8 Tips to Help Keep Your Motor Carrier Business Safe From Cyber Attacks

Even if you don’t think a cyber attack could happen to you, look around your operation for a second. You may be more vulnerable than you think
August 29, 2024 | Trucker
By: Cliff J.
I bring over 30 years of trucking industry experience to Acuity. I worked my way up from driving to managing the safety operations of a transportation company, culminating in owning and managing my own regional trucking company. My main goal at Acuity is to help you, the motor carrier, the owner/operator and the driver better understand the insurance industry and help shape Acuity’s products and services to better meet your needs. I regularly provide ongoing trucking training to Acuity employees to help them understand the unique needs of those in the trucking/transportation industry. With over 30 years in the transportation sector, as both a company driver and as owner and manager of a trucking company, I have first-hand experience that helps me understand the challenges truckers’ face, and detailed knowledge of transportation regulations. My experience coupled with a background in insurance loss control can help answer and provide solutions to any issues that may arise.

Cybercrime is one of the fastest-growing types of crime in the world, and it’s not just limited to large retailers or financial services companies. Businesses of all sizes, including motor carriers and owner operators, face the risk of cyber loss.  

FBI data showed 35 reported ransomware attacks on trucking companies in the past nine years. However, in 2023-24 alone, 34 data breaches occurred — and over 25 phishing crimes.*


Even if you don’t think it could happen to you, look around your operation for a second. You may be more vulnerable than you think. Internet of Things (IoT) cyber attacks are expected to double by 2025. Your trucking company has likely implemented electronic logging devices and dashcams, which are potential access points to your system, as well as traditional data and communication systems, such as emails and websites. 


Consider this story of Peter Latta, the CEO of a Pennsylvania trucking company. His company was the target of a ransomware attack in 2019 that shut down their entire communication network and, without the actions of their CIO and systems engineers, it may have been a lot worse. The full story can be found on Secure World Expo.


So what can be done to address this?   


Customers of Acuity have access to a wide range of free cyber risk management information and resources through the Acuity e-RiskHub®.  Additionally, cyber liability coverage should be part of a motor carrier’s insurance and risk management strategies. As a liability coverage, cyber liability protects against third-party damages, costs of defense, settlement, and judgments. It is triggered by a network security event, such as a breach of third-party business data, an unintended propagation of malware, or a denial of service attack. Additionally, cyber liability can provide first-party coverage to reimburse a business for the costs it incurs, including data and systems restoration, business income, and public relations expenses. 


Also, it is important to have a cybersecurity plan in place and train your employees to spot red flags.

Here are 8 tips to help keep your motor carrier business safe from cyberattacks:

  1. Create password rules that require strong passwords with special characters and numbers
  2. Teach your employees to recognize common phishing email scams and not to click on links that seem untrustworthy
  3. Utilize an antivirus and malware program to help protect you from these types of scams
  4. Keep your system software and operating systems updated for security patches
  5. Limit the amount of password attempts your employees have until they are locked out in case someone else is trying to log in as them
  6. Keep your software and data backed up
  7. Create a disaster recovery plan
  8. Review your IT department security protocol on a regular basis and update as needed






By: Cliff J.
I bring over 30 years of trucking industry experience to Acuity. I worked my way up from driving to managing the safety operations of a transportation company, culminating in owning and managing my own regional trucking company. My main goal at Acuity is to help you, the motor carrier, the owner/operator and the driver better understand the insurance industry and help shape Acuity’s products and services to better meet your needs. I regularly provide ongoing trucking training to Acuity employees to help them understand the unique needs of those in the trucking/transportation industry. With over 30 years in the transportation sector, as both a company driver and as owner and manager of a trucking company, I have first-hand experience that helps me understand the challenges truckers’ face, and detailed knowledge of transportation regulations. My experience coupled with a background in insurance loss control can help answer and provide solutions to any issues that may arise.