Retaining my employees

A Guide to Work-Life Balance as a Truck Driver
As with any career, a healthy work-life balance is important to a trucker’s quality of life. Though a career in trucking can offer many benefits—great pay, job security, opportunities to travel, and more—it can also present challenges to that work-life balance. Long hours, sedentary work, loneliness, and stress all take their toll.
5 Tips That Can Help Ensure Your Employees Love Working For You
The success of a business often depends on its employees, and this is especially true in the retail and restaurant industries. Employees are the key to the environment and service that is provided with the products sold.
Many retailers are struggling to recruit and retain employees. In the webinar “How to Find, Keep, and Motivate Employees Today” from the Food Marketing Institute, Harold Lloyd, president of H. Lloyds and Associates, Inc., shared tips to make your store appealing to potential and current employees.
During my lean training, one of the instructors made a statement about training that has stuck with me all these years. He explained that there are two kinds of training—one directly improves an employee's skills for the job or task they do, and the other is development training that increases their overall skills, teamwork, leadership, and such.
The holiday season is coming up fast! As we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas, your employees will likely want to take time off from work to spend with their families. Do you have a plan that keeps your production at needed levels during this holiday season?

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