Creating a safe environment in my business

Tips for Preventing Heat-Related Injuries on Construction Job Sites
The construction industry is especially impacted by heat since work is often performed outdoors in less-than-ideal temperatures and conditions. However, hazardous heat exposure can occur indoors or outdoors and during any season, not only during heat waves. Fortunately, safety measures can be put into place to prevent serious illness and fatalities due to heat exposure.
Tips for Fostering a Safe Office Work Environment
Working in an office setting sometimes gives a false sense of safety and security. While an office may not have the heavy machinery of a manufacturing plant or employees working from heights as in construction, a general office setting still has risks. This article will outline some of the risks and what you can do to mitigate the effects of these risks in your office.
Acuity loss control representatives find that many job-site injuries stem from not training employees how to identify fall hazards. The OSHA fall protection standard not only addresses employees falling from another level but also objects falling from another level. We find this exposure is commonly missed during job-site safety briefings.
A contractor’s commercial auto fleet can be essential to the success of their business. To help minimize vehicle downtime, lengthen asset lifespan, and reduce the frequency and severity of accidents, it is important to consider fleet management best practices, including driver selection, training, and fleet maintenance.
Accidents happen, but they shouldn’t take away your livelihood. It‘s important to understand that a claim could evolve into a lawsuit, even if you’re not at fault. We want to help protect you by sharing some lawsuit mitigation strategies.

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