
Insurance Coverage Basics for Salons
Insurance can be confusing, and after a busy week running your salon and serving your clients, insurance education is probably not the first thing on your to-do list.
120,000+ businesses trust us

We would be proud to insure your business, so you can be free to focus on what matters most to you. We understand the unique challenges you face and provide you with peace of mind, knowing we are there with you when you need it.
As a dedicated barber or beautician, you've built a thriving business around making others look and feel their best. Yet, in the ever-evolving landscape of the beauty industry, it's crucial to protect your hard-earned success. One often overlooked but indispensable aspect of this protection is professional liability insurance.
Salons are capitalizing on an industry shift to a stylist of one business model by turning to salon suite or studio salon models. In these models, stylists rent a chair or suite and tend to their own clientele.
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to set your own schedule? How would it feel to maintain your own business and only work with the clients you want to? Renting a chair in a salon is becoming very popular among stylists. Here are 4 tips to successfully become a stylist of one.

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