Practicing safe driving

Maximize Safety: Know When to Replace Your Tires
Unsure when to replace tires? Discover key indicators of tire wear, maintenance advice, and insights on tire safety to ensure your vehicle's peak performance.
What To Do If You Get In a Car Accident
The squeal of tires, the crunching of metal or plastic, shattering of glass—those are sounds no driver wants to hear. Getting in a car accident can be a scary and stressful event, but keeping the following tips in mind can make the accident and claims process as stress-free as possible.
In an era dominated by technological advancements and constant connectivity, distracted driving has emerged as a pressing concern on our roads. From texting and talking on phones to various other activities, drivers often engage in behaviors that divert their attention away from the task at hand. This phenomenon, known as inattention blindness, underscores the danger of multitasking while driving, with potentially fatal consequences.
See beyond cell phones: Learn about distracted driving examples spanning visual, manual, and cognitive categories that affect road safety.
In today's fast-paced world, multitasking has become second nature to many of us, allowing us to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously and get more done in less time. However, there's one place where multitasking can have deadly consequences: behind the wheel. Let's look at seven practical strategies to help you stay focused and safe on the road

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