Practicing safe driving

Building A Successful Fleet Safety Culture
Discover how integrating safety and operations can transform your trucking fleet's profitability. Learn about key safety program components, the true cost of accidents, and strategies to build a successful fleet safety culture.
What To Do If You Get In a Car Accident
The squeal of tires, the crunching of metal or plastic, shattering of glass—those are sounds no driver wants to hear. Getting in a car accident can be a scary and stressful event, but keeping the following tips in mind can make the accident and claims process as stress-free as possible.
Preparing for winter weather means getting out the winter gear, including warm clothing, blankets, and kitty litter—for your car, of course! Here’s your checklist for staying safe and ready for anything Mother Nature throws your way this season.
As our nation's professional truck drivers are well aware, driving a tractor-trailer demands attention in any weather condition, but the challenge for our drivers is increased during the winter months. Knowing the right skills and techniques and being prepared for driving in poor conditions can be the difference between arriving at your destination safely or meeting misfortune on the road.
Potholes can lead to costly vehicle repairs. This article covers tips for spotting potholes, minimizing vehicle damage, and navigating rough roads. Stay prepared for what’s ahead and keep your car in top shape.

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