Maintaining your car

7 Ways to Avoid Distracted Driving
In today's fast-paced world, multitasking has become second nature to many of us, allowing us to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously and get more done in less time. However, there's one place where multitasking can have deadly consequences: behind the wheel. Let's look at seven practical strategies to help you stay focused and safe on the road
When to Replace Your Tires
Sometimes you just know when you need new tires. You may feel your car slip when it is wet or notice the tread looks a little low. But often, tires are something we don’t pay as much attention to as we should. Tires are important to your car’s overall safety so here are some tips to consider.
Finding the proper tires for your vehicle can be challenging. The first step is choosing the correct tire for your driving environment.
Washing your car regularly is the best way to keep it looking new. For those of you willing to roll up your sleeves, here are some DIY tips.
Hitting a pothole with your vehicle can be frustrating, dangerous, and costly. Here are some examples of damage that potholes can cause and tips for how to avoid them.

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