
Understanding Umbrella Insurance
What is umbrella or excess liability insurance? A simple definition is that it's an insurance policy that provides coverage above and beyond your auto and home policy limits—think of it as an umbrella over the top of those other coverages.
500,000+ insured homes and vehicles

We've been trusted to care for the well-being of hundreds of thousands of people. Protect your home or vehicle with a customized Acuity personal insurance policy.
The summer is a great time for everyone, but no one enjoys summer quite the way kids do—no school, plenty of free time out in the sun playing with friends, spending weeks at camp making new friends, or keeping the summer heat away with some fun in the water. But as all parents know, with fun activities comes a little bit of risk.
Celebrate safely: Discover 5 essential tips for firework safety this season. Protect your loved ones and property while enjoying the festivities.
Whether you are a motorcycle newbie or a seasoned rider, going on a short jaunt or a long road trip, you must ensure you have all the safety essentials. These invaluable items protect you while on the open road.

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