Researching IoT for my business

How to Upgrade Your Manufacturing Skills to Stay Relevant
Stay ahead in your manufacturing career by upgrading your skills for the future. Learn how to remain relevant as robots and automation reshape the industry.
Is the Internet of Things Good for Manufacturing?
Technology is infiltrating the manufacturing industry in full storm. In recent years, trends have included the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and industry 4.0, otherwise known as the 4th industrial revolution.
We talked to Thomas Zoehrer about the future of computer vision in manufacturing and how it will shape the industry for years to come. Thomas is the CEO and Co-Founder or - a company focusing on computer vision and advanced analytics to support continuous improvement in manufacturing and warehousing. He considers himself as a hybrid, holding an engineering degree as well as a master's degree in economics and loves to "connect" technology and business requirements.
We interviewed Jay Judkowitz on autonomous guided vehicles and autonomous robots. Jay is the VP of Product, OTTO Motors, a division of Clearpath Robotics. Jay is a veteran product leader with long tenures at software platform companies such as VMware and Google Cloud. Jay spent 21 years in Silicon Valley before moving to Kitchener, Ontario in 2017. He is passionate about how technology can improve people's lives and is excited to be in the autonomous robot space so that we can eliminate dull, dirty, and dangerous work and make manufacturing more cost-effective worldwide.
Staying competitive as a small business owner means offering your customers the best possible personalized experience. To make that happen, your business needs to be running at top efficiency and the Internet of Things can help.

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