Buying a car

Insurance 101: Understanding How Deductibles Work
Confused about insurance deductibles? Gain clarity on how they work and when they apply to save on your home or auto insurance.
Looking to buy a used car? Avoid the risks of flooded vehicles with our tips on spotting them before you make an expensive mistake.
Auto insurance shopping advice often focuses on finding the cheapest price available. But what trade offs are you making to achieve this goal? Could finding the cheapest auto insurance leave you with unintended coverage gaps or potential poor customer service if you do have a claim? Having a base understanding of how insurance companies calculate your price may help you get the best price for the coverage and level of service you want.
Most auto insurance policies do not cover the cost of a new vehicle after a damaged vehicle is declared a constructive total loss. Insurance policies typically pay up to the actual cash value, which is the replacement cost minus depreciation. Wouldn’t it be great if you could replace your damaged vehicle with a new one of the current model year? Acuity thinks so.

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